So when I had tons of work to do to get ready for this week and had put it off all weekend, it came down to yesterday, and what did I do? I made a GD tukey dinner, that's what! Sensible? NO! delecatable? Yes! Thanks ole bird, your flesh hit the spot.
In case anyone is getting the idea that my life revolves around food, I do a few other things besides cook and eat. Today I managed to start a glass club at my high school. There was no glass option, and one of my students was talking to me about glass and asked if i had ever worked with it. I said yes, and agreed to start a glass program here if we could work it out. So basically, I worked it out and the ball is up and rolling as of today. Glass club comin' at ya. I'm hella stoked about it, both for me to make some cool shiz and for my students to rock it out too. Recycled is the fare of the day:free, fun and fantastic. It's a win-win. I can support my ecological ambitions while empowering children with a new media for expression. It's a double feel good at the end of the day.