Monday, March 10, 2008

A lil' ole' spinach pie

So, I guess I couldn't stay away. Anyway no promises on frequency, but I'll post when i feel like it. It'll mostly be things that won't get me fired. This pic is a spinach,sausage and mozzarela pie that I made with Tuli the other day. Not too pretty, but dang did it taste good. I missed all of you.
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Cheilita said...

of course it looks pretty. don't kid yourself. and it tasted damn good too.

tiny bits of lauv said...

it looks daggone pretty to me ya little hizzo!

amy said...

Where is my slice, bro?!?!? So glad you are back:)

Anonymous said...

I find the suggestive nature of your so called "lil ole' spinach pie" offensive and disturbing. I am not sure you are the type of person I want any child, my son especially, being influenced by. I'd rather have him taught by an art teacher who will help his students learn how to pick out art which matches the color of their couch and knows that the earth is only 4,000 years old.
--A Concerned Parent