So. a few weeks back on a walk from downtown, I was collecting newspapers for my kids to make paper mache. I picked up a bag and discovered....MAGAZINE LADY. This picture is a sample of her wares. Magazines galore! This is my idea of recycling. You pick it up off the curb and you use it. Also tonight we found a nice painted tin and a serving tray.
The End.
ps- all these magazines are current. ON STANDS NOW. These aren't old magazine dudes and dudettes.
i love magazine lady. she has some great zines.
ummm...where are the pics of the painted tin and serving tray?
oh indeed
If you're looking for collage materials for your students....(librarian/information sharing mode kicking in) libraries almost always remove book jackets (think about how many books they get every year). Also if you happen to know a librarian she may work at a place which also removes book jackets *ahem*)
Now returning to 'regular' mode -- great find.
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