Thursday, July 24, 2008

Cursiiiiiiiide Recycling

So. a few weeks back on a walk from downtown, I was collecting newspapers for my kids to make paper mache. I picked up a bag and discovered....MAGAZINE LADY. This picture is a sample of her wares. Magazines galore! This is my idea of recycling. You pick it up off the curb and you use it. Also tonight we found a nice painted tin and a serving tray.
The End.
ps- all these magazines are current. ON STANDS NOW. These aren't old magazine dudes and dudettes.
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Cheilita said...

i love magazine lady. she has some great zines.

tiny bits of lauv said...

ummm...where are the pics of the painted tin and serving tray?

Charles Huettner said...

oh indeed

Charles Huettner said...


Anonymous said...

If you're looking for collage materials for your students....(librarian/information sharing mode kicking in) libraries almost always remove book jackets (think about how many books they get every year). Also if you happen to know a librarian she may work at a place which also removes book jackets *ahem*)
Now returning to 'regular' mode -- great find.